Image adapted from the film HAIKU (2020) written & directed by Martin Gerigk.
The 2020 Film and Video Poetry Symposium will take place in Los Angeles, California beginning on November 12th and concluding January 2, 2021. FVPS has programmed over 100 films from more than 20 countries, 80 of which will be presented in an outdoor cinema. Our platform has also curated 5 media installations that will be available to the public on an appointment only basis. Lastly, The Film and Video Poetry Society developed and will deploy a 24/7 online streaming network accessible on our website beginning November 12, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020. Through this live video feed viewers will experience a special selection of films programmed for an international online screening experience.
We have pledged to uphold the cinema experience while also making safety and public health our primary goal. There will be no public or walk up access to our events. Entrance to screenings must be confirmed by reservation only.
Thursday, November 12, 2020. Our program begins at 800pm.
I BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF THE WORD (poet & director. David Arthur-Simons, Principality of Dasmania, 2016)
SELF-CREATION (director. Shelby Dillon, U.S., 2020)
MEDUSA AND THE ABYSS (director. Felicity Palma, Italy, 2019)
SOMETIMES I WISH MY LIFE WAS A MOVIE (poet & media artist. Zach McLane, U.S., 2017)
WITH AIR AND SALT, UNBREAKABLE HEALTH (director. Maia Iotzova, Switzerland, 2018)
ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME ? (media artist. Caroline Yoo, U.S., 2017)
OH MY WATER (poet & director. Myriam Rey, U.K., 2020)
MY MOTHER IS JUST ONE (writer & director. Teona Galgoțiu, Romania, 2018)
THE 3 ME’S (poet. Felicia Olusanya, director. Simon Daniels, Ireland, 2019)
GIRL IS PRESENCE (poetry & directing by Lynne Sachs & Anne Lesley Selcer, U.S., 2020)
TOAD, LEAF, GRASS, ROCK (director. Federica Foglia, set to the poetry of Eugenio Montale, Canada, 2020)
This program is approximately 50 minutes
To reserve your seat please forward the details of your request to:
Image from the film YOUTH GARDEN (2019) directed by Hélène Matte.
Thursday, November 12, 2020. Our program begins at 900pm.
THE LAMENT FOR ART O’LEARY (director. Marcella O'Connor, Ireland, 2019)
THE LAST WERE BURIED HERE (dir. Annette Philo, U.K., 2020)
YOUTH GARDEN (dir. Hélène Matte, Canada, 2019)
A WALK ALONG THE STARS (writer & animator. Lani McHenry, U.S., 2019)
SINKHOLE (poet & director. Dave Richardson, U.S., 2020)
AGAMEMNON’S DAUGHTER (dir. Elise Kermani, set to excerpts from the play “Iphigenia at Aulis” by Euripides, U.S., 2018)
CEASESUSURRATING (writer & director. Ye Mimi, Taiwan, 2018)
The above program is approximately 60 minutes
To reserve your seat please forward the details of your request to:
Image from the film HAWAR (2020) directed by Deny Tri Ardianto, poetry by Rahmanu Widayat, and choreography by Mekratingrum Hapsari.
Friday, November 13, 2020. Our program begins at 800pm.
THE PROPHETESS (poet & director. Marco Joubert, a reinterpretation of Francis Ponge's “La loi et les prophètes", Canada, 2020)
THE 37% (poet & director. Jeremy Player, U.K., 2020)
BLINK (poet. Jeff Thomson, animation. Amy Neswald, U.S., 2019)
MOURNING FOOD (poet. Charles Edward Payne, directors. Zachary Shea & Alys Brooks, U.S., 2019)
FIRST (animation. Nikolaus Jantsch, poet. Sophie Reyer, Austria, 2019)
THE DEALER (poet. Chloe Jacquet, director. Stephanie Cobban, U.K., 2020)
GETTING CLOSER TO YOU (director. Alejandro T. Acierto, U.S., 2020)
HAWAR (dir. Deny Tri Ardianto, poet. Rahmanu Widayat, choreographer. Mekratingrum Hapsari, Indonesia, 2020)
ENTRE LES IMAGES (poet & director. Vito A. Rowlands, Belgium, 2020)
SOLSTICE SOL INVICTUS (poets. Lucy English & Sarah Tremlett, director. Sarah Tremlett, U.K., 2018)
TENDER THING (writer & director. Samer Nouh, Lebanon, 2019)
FROM A KNIFE WOUND (poet. Chaucer Cameron, director. Lucia Sellars, U.K., 2019)
A MOMENT IN TIME (poet. Kevin McLean, director. Perry Jonsson, U.K., 2020)
VOICE-DESTROY (writer & director. Nick Twardus, U.S, 2018)
short intermission
Canal Brasil & The Film and Video Poetry Society Presents:
Uruguayan journalist, writer, and novelist amongst other things, Eduardo Hughes Galeano was the ”global soccer’s eminent man of letters”. After his death close friends and readers around the world perform a homage to his life by reading his work. Director Felipe Nepomuceno collects these moments and crafts them together into this loving 70 minute documentary on the biggest storyteller in Latin America.
Film Block 3 is approximately 110 minutes
To reserve your seat please forward the details of your request to:
Image from the film STONES FOR THUNDER (2018) directed by Kera Makenzie & Andrew Mausert-Mooney.
Saturday, November 14, 2020. Our program begins at 800pm.
This program is co-curated by special guest curator Laura U. Marks and FVPS managing director Jesse Russell Brooks and based on the idea of intercultural cinema proposed in Marks' critically acclaimed book The Skin of the Film: Intercultural Cinema, Embodiment, and the Senses (2000). A sensuous program exploring how the cultural sensorium dilates and transforms when people migrate, or find themselves torn between cultures. Laura U. Marks is Grant Strate Professor in the School for the Contemporary Arts at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, and the founder of the Small File Media Festival.
Saturday, November 14, 2020. Our program begins at 800pm.
ALPHABET (media artist. Lies Neve, Netherlands, 2019)
HOMAGE TO SUMMER (writer & director. Katerina Markoulaki, Greece, 2019)
ONE PIECE OF SOAP (writer & director. Adonia Bouchehri, Germany, 2019)
SNOWFALL (directors. Yasir Masood & Peter McCain, poetry. Tabinda Javed & Yasir Masood, U.S., 2020)
UNSOUND (filmmaker. Vivian Ostrovsky, U.S., 2019)
HOMECOMING (writer & director. Akio Yuguchi, animator. Miki Tanaka, Estonia, 2015)
short intermission
MEXICANS LOST IN MEXICO (poet. Nico Amador, director. Irit Reinheimer, U.S., 2020)
REBELLION (writer & director. Franz Quiñonez, Peru, 2020)
60 FLOWERS, 70 CAPSULES, 80 DIGITS (writer & media artist. Arturo Cubacub, U.S., 1982)
LOST IN HER HAIR: MONDAY (dir. Pegah Pasalar, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2019)
PLEASE COME AGAIN (writer & director. Alisa Yang, Japan, 2016)
THE LINEN CLOSET (writers. Ian W. Hill & David Finkelstein, direction & animation. David Finkelstein, U.S., 2016)
The above program is approximately 120 minutes
To reserve your seat please forward the details of your request to:
Image from the film THIS IS AFRICA (2020) poet. Ronan Cheneau, choreographer. Aïpeur Foundou, director. Matthieu Maunier-Rossi.
Thursday, November 19, 2020. This program begins at 800pm.
UNVOICED (by poet & graphic artist. Ian Gibbins, Australia, 2019)
DER UND DIE (poet & animation. Peter Böving, Germany, 2019)
VITO:BILL 4:3 (writer & director. Courtin Byrd, U.S., 2019)
THIS IS AFRICA (poet. Ronan Cheneau, choreographer. Aïpeur Foundou, director. Matthieu Maunier-Rossi, Congo, 2020)
EMOTIONS IN METAL (writer & director. Tommy Becker, U.S., 2019)
STONES FOR THUNDER (directors. Kera Makenzie & Andrew Mausert-Mooney, U.S., 2018)
The above program is approximately 60 minutes
To reserve your seat please forward the details of your request to:
Thursday, November 19, 2020. This program begins at 900pm.
The Film and Video Poetry Society Presents:
Anchored in Stephen Watts’ biography and poetry, director Huw Wahl explores the larger truths of being and the calibrations of response to often hard earned, lived experience. Considering the changing landscapes of settlement in London’s East End and Scottish islands, the destruction of working-class culture and an attendant sense of the collective, this 90 minute 16mm film and the writing contained within it are forms of cultural activism: elegy, graceful celebration, and a blueprint for ongoing resistance.
The Republics is approximately 83 minutes
To reserve your seat please forward the details of your request to:
Image from the film THE MIAMI DENTIST (2011) written & directed by David Baeumier.
Friday, November 20, 2020. Our program begins at 800pm.
LAIRS (poet & director. Emma Penaz Eisner, U.S., 2020)
BOILED SKELETONS (writer & director. Sam Gouldthorpe, Poet. Leah Fuentes U.S., 2019)
EKO ILE (poet. Ntongha Ekot, director. Sheldon Chau, Nigeria, 2020)
FROM THERE & NOWHERE CHRONICLES (animator. Jérémy Griffaud, France, 2018)
THE MIAMI DENTIST (writer & director. David Baeumler, U.S., 2011)
THESE HOMES: GHAZALS AT THE ENDS OF AMERICA (p. Minnie Zhang, Victor Xia, Alfred Yu, Stella Li, Celine Choi, dir. Victor Xia, U.S., 2020)
D.R.E.A.M. (media artist. Billy Bjork, U.S., 2019)
This program is approximately 45 minutes
To reserve your seat please forward the details of your request to:
Friday, November 20, 2020. Our program begins at 900pm.
MERCY (writer & director. Marilyn Freeman, U.S., 2016)
KEEP YOUR FLOWERS (poet. Ivory Adams, director. Sekou Brown, U.S., 2020)
BRINKS (writer. Daniel Wolff, director. Marla Renzi, U.S., 2020)
SEMI-AUTOMATIC PANTOUM (poet. Chris Green, director. Matt Mullins, U.S., 2019)
THE RIDE (poet. Revital Bilu, director. Dana Goldberg, Israel, 2019)
SNOW ON THA BLUFF (director. Eryc Rodriguez, set to the poetry of Jermaine Lamarr Cole, U.S., 2020)
BOYSHAPEDSPACE (poet & director. Adrian B. Earle, U.K., 2019)
HUES AND HIDDEN KINGS (poet & director. Sydney Morgan, U.S., 2017)
This program is approximately 45 minutes
For reservation please forward your request to:
image from the film MA’S BUTTON BOX (2020) poet. Anshi Malviya, director. Anubhav Singh.
Saturday, November 21, 2020 Program begins at 8:00pm.
THE SIREN’S SONG (poet & director. Thomas Longstaff, U.K., 2019)
MA’S BUTTON BOX (poet. Anshu Malviya, director. Anubhav Singh, India, 2020)
DIALOGUE WITH GEORGIA O’KEEFFE I: CHIMNEY ROCK (poet & director. Patricia L. Meek, U.S., 2018)
THANK JOHNSON I’M WOKE (writer & director. Charles de Agustin, U.S., 2019)
THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BUZZ ALDRIN (animator. Avishkar Chhetri, poet. Bill Neumire, U.S., 2020)
ASSASSIN (poet. Alan Dunnett, director. Jenny Xueer Wan, U.K., 2019)
HAIKU (poet & director. Martin Gerigk, Germany, 2020)
short intermission
WHAT MEMPHIS NEEDS (poet & director. Alexis Krasilovsky, U.S., 1991)
RESPEK (poet. Kamari Bright, animator. Christina Perry, U.S., 2018)
FARMLY (poet. Buddy Wakefield, director. Jamie DeWolf, U.S., 2019)
THE SCULPTURE OF PLACE AND TIME (khmer classical dancer. Prumsodun Ok, director. Tatsuhito Utagawa, Japan & Cambodia, 2020)
THE BEZIER CURVE (poet & computer graphics. Jim Hall, U.S., 2019)
HELL YELLOW (media artist. Dean Terry, performance artists. Hannah Weir & Therefore, U.S., 2020)
BIRTH OF A POET (writers & directors. James Franco, Gómez Millán, and Zachary Kerschberg, U.S., 2019)
PRINCE (poet. Lynn Breedlove, video artist. John Sanborn, U.S., 2020)
The Final Screening and Closing Remarks is approximately 100 minutes
To reserve your seat please forward the details of your request to:
image from the video piece titled OPHELIA (2020) by video artist Meike Redeker.
Beginning at 11:59pm on November 12, 2020 The Film and Video Poetry Society will launch a 24 hour, 7 day a week video poetry channel that will conclude broadcasting on December 31, 2020. The following films have been specially selected for online transmission for what we have designed to emulate the 24 hour “television” entertainment cycle. This extensive program will be moderated by announcements, live feeds from the screening location, poetry film highlights, special guest interviews, and filmmaker information. Presented online in the following order.
PLASTICNIC (poet and director. Fiona T. Lam, animator. Tisha Deb Pillai, Canada, 2018)
TERRITORIAL POETICS (performing artist. Bill Psarras, Greece, 2019)
TIDES (writer & director. Andre Silva, U.S., 2020)
COMPANION (video artist. Jack Williams, Poland, 2020)
BIG DATA (writer & director. Diego Bonilla & Rodolfo Mata, Mexico, 2019)
LORELEI (poet & digital artist. Mark Niehus, Australia, 2020)
RODEO DAYS (poet & director. Marie Craven, Australia, 2019)
UNBORN RIVERS OF SKY (poet. Daniel DeVaughn, filmmaker. Brian Ratigan, U.S., 2020)
SI JE TE VOLE LA MER (writers. Cedric Chaabi & Ro Caminal, director. Ro Caminal, Algeria, 2018)
IM WALDE (poet. Dieter Liewerscheidt, directors. Moritz Liewerscheidt, Jenny Dam, Germany, 2019)
SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF (writer & filmmaker. Alexandria L. Vicari, U.S., 2020)
THE LEGACY OF ROETHKE (director. Jeff Vande Zande, U.S., 2019)
DEAD METAPHOR (writer & moving image artist. Richard Ashrowan, U.K., 2019)
DRIFT (writer, director & animator. Elizabeth Lowe, Czech Republic & U.S., 2020)
A LITTLE OFF THE TOP (written & directed by Philip Brubaker, U.S., 2019)
DARK MYRIAD 7 (poet & direction. Eta Dahlia, U.K., 2020)
BACKWARDS GOD (poet & director. Natalie Cook, U.S., 2019)
KALI EXORCISM (poet. Helen Moore, animator. Howard Vause, U.K., 2015)
AXIOM (visual artist. Sally Grizzell Larson, set to the poetry of Amedee Ozenfant, U.S., 2010)
OPHELIA (video artist. Meike Redeker, Germany, 2020)
ENCOUNTERS (animator. Mona Keil, Germany, 2020)
DRIFTING CITIES (writer & director. Michal Higgins, Ireland, 2017)
LIMBUS (poet & director. Katerina Vlahbey, Greece, 2019)
THE STORY OF EMOTICON (animator. Jiayang Huang, U.S., 2020)
LA RIVE VIRALE (writer & director. Miljana Nikovic, Germany, 2020)
CONQUEST AND PRISON (poets & choreographers. Lorin Sookool, Oscar Buthelez & Julia Wilson, director. Mark Freeman, South Africa, 2015)
VAGUELY SURROUNDING PATHS II (visual artist. Fernando Brito, Portugal, 2019)
ENRIQUE VALDES, POESIA Y DESTIERRO (director. Alvaro Pereira Molina, Chile, 2019)
GEOLOGICS (media artist. Vania Xiang, U.S., 2019)
THE LIFE AND DEATH OF A MOSQUITO (director. Walter Smits, U.S., 2020)
FACE TO FACE (writer & animation. David Asher Brook, Australia, 2020)
PORCELAIN (media artist. Barry Olusegun-Noble Despenza, U.S., 2020)
DÉPLOIEMENTS (media artist. Stéphanie Lagarde, Netherlands, 2018)
HIATUS (filmmaker. Vivian Ostrovsky, set to the words of Clarice Lispector, and the poetry of Willem Boshoff, Seiichi Niikuni, Josef Hiršal,
Bohumila Grögerová, and beloved Bolivian concrete poet Eugen Gromringer, U.S., 2019)
image from the digital art piece titled BIRTHDAY (2016) by digital artist Michael Lasater.
The 2020 Film and Video Poetry Symposium’s principle exhibition opens on November 30, 2020 and will close on January 2, 2021. This year we have programmed 2 group shows and 3 media installations. Our exhibits are designed to minimize the potential spread of Covid-19. Our gallery will be equipped with an air purifier, air conditioner, disposable ear buds (or bring your own), two hand sanitation stations, access to disposable masks, and gloves if necessary. Wearing masks will be required at all times. Guests may attend by appointment only. Each appointment may provide entrance for a maximum of four guests.
Monday, November 30, 2020 - December 5, 2020
A selection of 5 important works of world class filmmaking, animation, and digital art will be on display in our video gallery.
GÜNLER YÜRÜDÜĞÜNDE (artist. Hande Sever, Turkey, 2018)
BERTHA’S CHILDREN (filmmakers. Roberta Friedman & Grahame Weinbren, U.S., 1976)
BIRTHDAY (digital artist. Michael Lasater, U.S., 2016)
EVERTED SANCTUARIES VI (digital artist. Ryan Lewis, U.S., 2020)
MORTE ET DABO (animator. Rubén Möller, Canada, 2019)
The 2020 Film and Video Poetry Society
5810 1/2 N Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, California 90042
By Appointment Only
1000am - 900pm
If you wish to make an appointment for this exhibit please email your request to:
Monday, December 7, 2020 - Saturday, December 12, 2020
7 channel media installation by artist and special guest Matt Whitman
The 2020 Film and Video Poetry Society
5810 1/2 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, California 90042
By Appointment Only
1000am - 900pm
If you wish to make an appointment for this exhibit please email your request to:
Monday, December 14, 2020 - Saturday, December 19, 2020
A selection of 3 important and critical films regarding the history of Spain.
Director Tomás Pérez Torrella’s titanic experimental film PRÍAPO compiles Spain’s entire history into a 160 minute film without dialogue. Poetry filmmakers Adrien Milliot & Maxime Dejob’s CONTIGO A SOLAS pays tribute to Spanish poetry and the 20th century ambassadors whom were drawn by the whirlwinds of Francoism. Alex Mendez Giner’s subtle essay film DISPLACED rounds out this group portrait. His work focuses on how Franco pushed his family out of Spain. Three mindfully composed works on and from Reino de España.
PRÍAPO (director. Tomás Pérez Torrella, Spain, 2020), DISPLACED (writer & director. Alex Mendez Giner, Spain, 2019), CONTIGO A SOLAS (dir. Adrien Milliot & Maxime Dejob, set to the poetry of Federico García Lorca, Antonio Machada, Lousi Aragon, Lucía Sánche Saornil, Spain, 2019)
The 2020 Film and Video Poetry Society
5810 1/2 N Figueroa Street on the 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, California 90042
By Appointment Only
1000am - 900pm
If you wish to make an appointment for this exhibit please email your request to:
Monday, December 21, 2020 - December 26, 2020
2 channel media installation by visual and media artist Lejin Fan
The Film and Video Poetry Society
5810 1/2 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, California 90042
By Appointment Only
1000am - 900pm
If you wish to make an appointment for this exhibit please email your request to:
Monday, December 28, 2020 - January 2, 2021
4 channel installation by filmmaker and director Adraina Páramo
Adriana Páramo filmed three sets of director-actress teams preparing for a role in their short film adaptation of August Strindberg’s play The Stronger. The goal was to see how the same text would come across differently depending on the creative process and the extent to which the characters created would reflect patriarchal values. The outcomes of these are the 3 short films directed by each director and a video essay by Páramo.
The Film and Video Poetry Society
5810 1/2 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, California 90042
By Appointment Only
1000am - 900pm
If you wish to make an appointment for this exhibit please email your request to:
Please note: Due to the public health crisis The Film and Video Poetry Society may announce changes to scheduling, event dates, times, venues, order of events, or films within each program. Please remain alert and double check our program and schedule frequently. If you
wish to make an appointment for the gallery or reservation for a screening please email your request to:
For any additional questions regarding The 2020 Film and Video Poetry Symposium please contact us using this email: